miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017

P 64 Vocabulary



Browser:  You need it to access to a website (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox... ) wich connects each computers to the servers that host the web pages, and dowloads and displays the pages.

Content management system: Publishing tool used to generate web content.

Hosting: Thr processused by a webmaster to make a veb page aviable to internet users.

HTML: Lenguaje used to create web pages.

Publishing tool: Tool that allows users to create their own content and publish it on the intyernet without any technical desuigns or programing knowledge

Server: A computer that hosts web pages and makes theem aviable to the hole network.

Source code: HTML coding of a web page.

Web 2.0: Internet concept where the users are the ones who create and participate using thir own content, images and comments.

Webmaster: The person responsible for maintaining a website

Website: A series of web pages linked to ach other that can be acessed from a common address. 

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