viernes, 20 de enero de 2017

Comprehensions Activities

Comprehensions Activities

1- A web site is a siries of web pages linked to each other that can be accesed from a common address fpr example 

Static web page:Static websites can only really be updated by someone with a knowledge of website development.

Dynamic web page: Dynamic sites on the other hand can be more expensive to develop initially, but the advantages are numerous.

You may never need to know the file names or locations for your virtual machine files. Virtual machine file management is performed by VMware Workstation. If the behind the scenes file structure is not interesting to you, skip this section.

This are some of the tools web 2.0 have:
-Google Docs: It is the flagship of online desktop publishing
*Make posts private, secured with a password
*Allows users to choose when the posts expire
*Clean, simple interface
-LetterPop: This site is the premiere online newsletter generator.

 We can help in internet creating a webpage about something we like so other people that like it could take your info and use it for works etc...

A content management system (CMS) is a software application or set of related programs that are used to create and manage digital content.

They are: 

The most important HTML tags are:







miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017

P 64 Vocabulary



Browser:  You need it to access to a website (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox... ) wich connects each computers to the servers that host the web pages, and dowloads and displays the pages.

Content management system: Publishing tool used to generate web content.

Hosting: Thr processused by a webmaster to make a veb page aviable to internet users.

HTML: Lenguaje used to create web pages.

Publishing tool: Tool that allows users to create their own content and publish it on the intyernet without any technical desuigns or programing knowledge

Server: A computer that hosts web pages and makes theem aviable to the hole network.

Source code: HTML coding of a web page.

Web 2.0: Internet concept where the users are the ones who create and participate using thir own content, images and comments.

Webmaster: The person responsible for maintaining a website

Website: A series of web pages linked to ach other that can be acessed from a common address.