viernes, 2 de junio de 2017

Electric circuits

Elecrtic Circuits

Things we have use:
-3 LED
-3 resistors
-Battery of 4.5 and 9
-2 conductor wires 
-Proto board

We have made a parallel circuit and a siries circuit 
The ndiference between this two circuits is that the parallel one is placed in parallel and the series is placed in series. The series one needs a 9 bolts battery.


Series  circuit       
                                                                    Parallel circuit
Resultado de imagen de parallel circuit in a protoboard


miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

Mechanisms workshits

Ej p 92, 93, 94 and 95.

1. Copy and complete the following table in your notebook.

Types of structures              Examples
           Mass ----------- Walls, dams, etc.
           Frame ----------- Structure of a building.
           Truss ------------ Cranes, elecricity pylons etc.
      Suspended --------- Suspension bridges, tents, etc.

2. Have you ever seen a structure thatr uses cables? Write down the names of the ones that
you can remember or the ones that you can see
and draw them in your notebook.

   Tatara Bridge (Japan)    

3.When a person sits on a chair, the stress that the chair has to withstand is due to the weight  of the person, whereas the strength is the chair´s ability to withstand the load without breaking. Indicate wich i sthe strenght and wich is the strees in these two examples.

a) A wardrobe hanging from a rope.

b) A twisting telephone cord

6. Describe the structure of a turtle´s Shell. Why do you think it has this shape? What material do you think it is made from? Is it stronger enought for the stresses it has to withstand?

It has that shape to protect from predators. It is made of bones.

7.  Which types of stressses de the following elements and activitieshave to support : a rope with a wheight hannging of it, a man puishing a cabinet, thingtening a screw, cutting our fingernails.

 A rope with a wheight hangining off it-
A man pushing a cabinet-
Thingtening a scerew-
Cutting our finger nails-

 9. Write a short description of three objects using one of the following adjectives for each object : rigid, elastic, and plastic. Explain how these properiesallow the objects to fulfil their funcion or make them suitable for their prupose.

Rigid- not pliant or flexible.
Elastic-deformed, compressed.
Plastic- group of synthetic or natural organic materials that may be shaped when soft and then hardened.

11. Copy and complete the following table in your notebook with objects that have propierties shown in the right-hand column
 Objects                                               Propierties
  brick                                                      rigid
  coffe cup                                              defornable
   rubber                                                   elastic
  chewing gum                                         plastic

viernes, 31 de marzo de 2017

Machines and Mechanisms

Machines and Mechanisms Vocaboulary

 Machine - Maquina

Mechanism - Mecanismo

Driver element - Dispositivo

Driven element -

Converting and/or trasmiting element - Convertir y/o trasmitir elemento

Linear motion - Movimiento linear

Rotary motion - Movimiento rotario

Reciprocrating motion - Movimiento reciporcratico

Oscillating - Oscilante

Motion trasmission mecanisim - Mecanismo de transmision mecanica

Linear transmition mechanism - Línea de transmisión mechanica

Motion conversion mechanism - Movimiento conversico mecanico

miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017

viernes, 3 de marzo de 2017



Auxiliary dimension line: Eany of the lines used to acurately delimit dimensions.

Cavalier perspective: Perspective that alows us to view objects in 3D with one 90º angle and two135º angles.

Dimension to: To indicate on the drawing of a figure.

Dimension line: Any of the lines used to indicate measurements; these lines are drawn parallel to the line that they measure.

Extruder: The part in a 3D printer that picks up the olastic filament an deposits the exact amount on  the print bed.

Front elevation: Main view of an object.

GCODE: File format understood by 3D printers.

Isometric perspective: Perspective thet allows us to view obects in 3D. 

Left or right elevation: View from the left or right side of the figure.

Plan: View of the figure from overhead.

Sicing: Procedure in wich slicing software determines how many layers of plastic are requited for 3D printing.

Standardisation: Set of standards that regulates every element of thechnical drawing.


miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2017

3D Project

3D Project


Im goin to explain the procces:
First we draw the draft of the rabbit, then we draw it with the measurements anmd the last thing we did was the project iside Tinkercad.